
Attiko Therapeftirio

By prioritizing the timely, accurate diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of the patient's problems. We have been around for many years with your health problems.

Outside medical offices

In our clinic, on a daily basis there are outside clinics of many specialties, which aim to serve and direct patients in a safe and valid way to cope with their health problems.

Our outside clinics have contracts with most insurance funds, so access to the latest type of examinations is feasible to everyone without any extra charges!

Our Outside medical offices in detail:

  • Surgical
  • Pathological
  • Cardiology
  • Nephrology
  • Urology
  • Gynecological (Colposcopy, Pap Test, Intravaginal ultrasound scans)
  • Orthopedics
  • Pulmonology

In case of emergency, just call us on 210-8225411

Or send us an email by filling in the contact form below:

We will contact you immediately