
Spetswn 100 & Eyoias 13-15, ZC: 11362, Kypseli – Athens| 210 82 25 411 | attikoth@gmail.com

Αττικό Θεραπευτήριο

Θέτοντας προτεραιότητα την έγκαιρη, ακριβή διάγνωση, πρόγνωση και αντιμετώπιση των προβλημάτων του ασθενούς. Είμαστε επί σειρά ετών κοντά στα προβλήματα υγείας σας.

Pathological sector

The Department of Pathology covers the internal pathology, infections, diabetes, hematological diseases, hypertension, hyperlipidemia.

There is a check-up section with laboratory-imaging examinations in conjunction with the cardiology, pulmonology, radiodiagnostics, microbiology and ultrasound sections.

Doctors in the department also support non-pathological specialties as well as monitor patients with similar problems.

Nephrology department

The Nephrology department has been operating for 25 years and is one of the most important departments of the clinic. It has extensive experience in the field of Nephrology and is staffed by well-trained nursing staff with great sensitivity to the fellow-patient.

The department includes 2 artificial kidney units, state-of-the-art facilities with high-standard technological equipment and experienced nursing staff.

It has 26 hemodialysis machines capable of all out-of-body support techniques including online blood transfusion which is the most advanced dialysis method today.

Nephrology treatment in the ICU of our clinic

Fully organized laboratories of microbiological, biochemical, imaging laboratories and of other specialties such as physicians, cardiologists, pulmonologists, surgeons etc.

Hospitalization of nephrology incidents in beds of the pathology sector.

Cardiology department

The Cardiology Department of ATTIKO THERPAEYTIRIO has been treating cardiology for many years and supports 24-hour recording of holter, rhythm, ventricular fibrillation, severe heart failure, ischemic or valvular.

It also covers pre-operation examinations and extraordinary cardiac events on a 24-hour basis.

The Cardiology Laboratory fully covers:

  • Ultrasound- Triplex for heart examination
  • 24-hour rhythm-pressure recording electrocardiography (HOLTER).
  • Electrocardiographic fatigue test on a rolling rug.

Pulmonology department

The clinic’s Pulmonary Clinic develops its operation in the outside clinic, the hospitalization of patients with respiratory problems and the preoperative monitoring of surgical patients.


More Specifically:

Pulmonology office, Asthma-COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) office. This is done by monitoring patients with specialized doctors, as well as special examinations:

  • Oxymetry
  • Blood gases
  • Respiratory Infections
  • Investigation of cough
  • Tuberculosis Control
  • Spirometry before and after bronchoconstriction
  • Pre-operational check
  • Blood gases before and after fatigue

For any emergency, just call us on 210-8225411

Or send us an email by filling in the following contact form:

We will contact you immediately